
Key Concept Of Human Relationship In 2021

Was a crucial chapter in clearly defining what human relation was about, it identified key areas about the entire course and what a person could learn furthermore this chapter identified the importance and current challenges which are being faced in human relations and further talked about how a person could overcome those challenges which are being faced today in a manner that would not only benefit the organization but at a personal individual level.

Human relations
What I learned from this chapter was the importance of communication skills in an organization and how many challenges can be easily overcome by this very tool furthermore apart from the brief history about human relations and what is it about I also learned the importance of having mutual respect in an organization for fellow employees could create an environment safe for everyone. These concepts helped me change my perspective as most of the ideas were not bound to work-life and personal life.

Self-concept and self-esteem in human relations
Was a very informative and significant chapter in defining self-concept and self-esteem and the difference between both these furthermore this chapter also clearly defined the concepts of real and ideal selves along with pleasing others and yourself moreover that self-esteem and work performance was also related along with the problems people with lower self-esteem face and how to overcome them to become more successful.

This chapter was an eye-opener for me as many concepts such as self-concept were too new to me. Furthermore, I was able to identify critical issues about self-esteem that I had and how I could overcome them to be more productive in the workplace and be a better person in my personal life. Moreover, many concepts such as real and ideal selves were new to me as to how we perceive ourselves versus how others saw us but what helped me understand my issues were the steps and key points to combat low self-esteem issues.

Self-awareness and self-disclosure
another important chapter that explains what self-awareness and self-disclosure are, also differentiated them and how they are not self-aware. Self-disclosing can create barriers for effective human relations; it further defined the levels of communication as people self-disclose and clearly stated the fear of self-disclosing and how one can make its journey towards it which will benefit that personal life and work life.

This chapter taught me a lot about self-awareness and its importance in the workplace as knowing about ourselves is just as important as being able to disclose ourselves so we could be understood better. What surprised me was the importance of these two critical parts and how much they could affect work performance furthermore I was able to identify a few points that I lacked in self-disclosing and learn how to tackle them.

Attitudes and values in human relations
Had a lot to offer as it talked about different types of attitude along with what makes a right attitude and how that impacts our life in general, attitudes were also co-related with job satisfaction which further led to managers with different kind of approaches such as theory X and theory Y, furthermore steps on building a positive attitude were also briefly discussed. Moreover, this chapter also introduced the concepts about values and how they are linked with attitude along with how values are developed and how they can conflict with people having different values and finally this chapter defined clearly how to build an attitude and value system that can benefit the person and life as a whole.

This chapter defined a lot about a person's inner self as it talked about attitude and values which are a core thing a person possesses many different kinds of perspective and how they reflect our values were talked about and how we could understand the attitude and values of others was also shared. This chapter, by far was the most informative, and a lot was there to be learned, such as how a person can work on himself to be a better version of himself in the workplace.

Motivation and increasing productivity
Was an exciting chapter as it interlinked motivation and how that increases productivity. Need and behavior-based motivation were also clearly defined and how both of these factors do play a role in motivating others was even talked about. Reinforcement theory and behavior modification to further help a person be a better version of himself were defined, and ways to change behavior and how motivation and self-esteem are lined was also clearly defined.

This was a comparatively small yet informational chapter in which I learned a lot about motivation and different theories; it helped me understand what drives a person towards more productivity which at times is not a financial reward or benefit yet something more as this chapter also linked motivation and self-esteem furthermore I believe a lot of self-development can be done to improve myself from what I learned from this chapter.

Final Thought
The initial final thought of the blog Besturate is that it had a lot to offer for me as not only were they informative but also talked about how I could be a better version of myself; I felt all of the chapters were interlinked and chapter after same chapter concepts with a new way to learn them were introduced. Moreover, I identified key areas in myself that require rigorous attention and work with the help of this information. I was also able to understand people around me, and their behavior, values, and actions define, cope with them, and lead them respectfully, and do not hurt other people's values. A lot of concepts were surprising, but I believe more than being surprised. I was happy to learn such things that had a real-life application and which can and will help me grow.

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